General Practitioner Questions Blood Pressure

Why does my wife have low blood pressure after her delivery?

My wife recently delivered her baby but suffers from low BP. What could have triggered this and how can it be managed?

5 Answers

With general weight loss and less load on the body this can happen
She might lose some blood during delivery.
Low blood pressure means how low? Can be normal but if no real symptoms, having low pressure is good for the heart. The lady hormone Estrogen also helps to lower the pressure of the body which is why ladies that is still in the reproductive years have lesser risk of heart diseases.

HTA Gravitational, which persists, a Surveillance systolic arterial numbers Systolic 130, Diastolic 90, during the hormonal treatment, if beyond, it requires a treatment
The most common cause of low blood-pressure among otherwise healthy individual is liquid depletion. A low hemoglobin content could also be to blame. She should get her hemoglobin level checked and also her vitamins, especially B6 and B12. She should see her physician and get a checkup.