Urologist Questions Testicles pain

What could a dull aching pain in the testicles mean?

I have an on/off dull aching pain in my left testicle and its quite tender to touch, since this pain has started I've noticed that they keep retracting up quite often and stay there for long periods of time. There's no lump, no swelling or redness, I haven't been hit in that area either, and there is no pain when going to the bathroom or ejaculation. What could be causing this pain?

Male | 34 years old
Complaint duration: 21 days
Medications: None
Conditions: None

3 Answers

Testicular pain has a number of causes. One true emergency to rule out immediately is testicular torsion, which presents as very severe, sharp, one-sided testicular pain; the scrotum often appears swollen and the testicle that is torsed will often be pulled up closer to the body. Often, when men present with pain in the scrotum, the pain is not actually originating from the testicles, but rather from the surrounding structures.
Your symptoms may be consistent with Epididymitis or Orchitis. Your primary care physician or urologist can order an ultrasound to help with the diagnosis.
You could be having varicose veins in the left testicle. You need to see a urologist for an examination and treatment.