Physical Therapist Questions Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

When I type on the computer I am having a pain in my wrist. What could be the reason?

I am suffering from a shooting pain all around my wrist whenever I sit and type on the computer. The pain is quite strong and I can feel it all over my wrist area. What could be the reason for this? I have a full time job that requires me to type- what can I do to help?

4 Answers


Your wrist pain could be from neck radiating down or carpel tunnel syndrome which pertains to just wrist pain due to repetitive usage. It’s better to check it out with a physical therapist for an evaluation.


Dr. Ramky Kavaserry, DPT
You need to check with orthopedic doctor- imaging of wrist may be required to find the source of pain. It’s important to keep the wrist in neutral position. Splints may he helpful.
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You might have a condition called carpal tunnel syndrome, which is compression over the medial nerve. You need to see a specialist for a more accurate diagnosis.
Based on the information provided, its tough to tell. Do you have pain in the wrist when grabbing/carrying/manipulating things in standing or any other position then just sitting. deos your wrist pain changed with head movements such as if you look up or turned all the way to either direction? If it just when you type, you may be suffering inflammation to either your wrist flexors/finger flexors or extensors. I would try to do some wrest stretches, followed by wrist and gripping exercises. If symptoms persists, get evaluated to find out the causes of your pain.