Urologist Questions Lumps

I have a pea sized lump on my right testical

Sometimes I get a dull ache but it goes away. My back is really sore as well. The lump I think is getting bigger . What should I do? I have ITP and no spleen. Also I have haemocromototis

Male | 38 years old
Complaint duration: About 2 months
Medications: Penicillin
Conditions: ITP, Haemocromototis

4 Answers

Go to your GP and get it checked. It has nothing to do with your back pain, but tell your doc about that, too. Why are you on penicillin? If your GP does not think you should get a biopsy from the lump, find another doc. Where do you get your hematochromatosis checked? There could be a connection to the lump on your testicle.
Any testicular lump or bump that is growing in size should be evaluated by a urologist to figure out if it is anything you need to be concerned about.
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Please see a Urologist as soon as possible. Your primary care doctor can also start a work up by physical examination and Ultrasound of your testis
A physical examination and history by a urologist is essential for the diagnosis of the lump. Further W/U may be needed.