Dentist Questions Jaw pain

What could be the reason for my jaw stiffness?

I am having a lot of stiffness in my jaw and the dentist says there is no cure for this. Is he right in saying so?

7 Answers

You are probably clenching or grinding. Consider a night guard, if that doesn't help try low dose muscle relaxer and see how you feel. Good Luck
That sign usually corresponds to a condition called Bruxism. Treatment will be the fabrication of a night guard. Visit a chiropractor physician to have some alignment done in your spine. They also have special devices to treat the muscle and to practice stress reducing techniques like meditation and yoga.
Jaw stiffness is often caused by grinding, which itself has no cure to eliminate. However, a nightguard appliance can often help alleviate the pain and severity of the problem. Good luck.
Dr. Cyril Tahtadjian
Many reasons, it could be due to grinding of your teeth during day or night called bruxism or it may be due to stiffness of muscles of the jaws or injury to the area or it may be just due to the way your teeth and your jaw bones are aligned naturally or it could be some infection from a tooth or it may be some problem within the jaw.
The cure depends on the correct diagnosis, visit an oral surgeon and get your teeth, mouth and jaws checked visually and with xrays and depending on the problem there are medicines available
Tetany is the condition you are describing. This is usually caused by trauma or infection and has a definite causative effect. Investigate this with an MRI or clinical examination to determine if missing teeth are the result of your stiffness or if there is something pathologically wrong inside the mouth itself.
Jaw stiffness is often caused by night time grinding (bruxism). This is fixed most often through a process termed "occlusal adjustment". Every dentist is taught how to perform this process, but it does not make complete sense when they are students, and to fully understand it often requires additional training following dental school. Four years is not enough education for some problems. You can get names of dentists in your area who have additional training by contacting academies such as the Dawson Academy or the Pankey Institute.
There are many reasons for the jaw to be stiff. A thorough evaluation with digital biometrics will allow to determine if the teeth, the muscles and the joints are working properly together. To help with this situation, one must ask “WHY” and only then can a diagnosis and prognosis be provided. Not all dentists have the same training to assess the jaw joint issues and you may have to find someone with more advanced training and knowledge for a second opinion…