Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear Disorders

Will repeatedly using earplugs put me at risk of an infection?

Can repeatedly using earplugs cause infection? How often should I change out my earplugs? They never really become physically dirty as I clean my ears often.

6 Answers

Possibly, because they may harbor bacteria or yeast if you are using the same pair repeatedly, and just wearing them often can cause moisture accumulation in the ear canal. Moisture sets up an environment for infection.

Use of ear plugs does not put you at risk for ear infections. But, can cause more wax accumulation in the ears. Sometimes this accumulation is so deep in the ear canal the only way to remove it is by you ENT doctor. If the ear is blocked with wax for a while, it could lead to an infection in some cases.

As long as the ear plugs are not very old or wet, it shouldn't.

Dr. D
Earplugs should not cause infection. Cleaning the external portion of the earplugs is beneficial to prevent any irritation to the skin of the ear canal. Earplugs may potentially trap some normal earwax in the external ear or canal so that cleansing the ear canal is beneficial.
Ear plugs will push ear wax deeper into the ear canals and eventually plug the ear canal completely. Vleaning the ear canal will prevent this but will open the ear cansl to infections and itching becsuse you are removing the waz that is whst prevents ear cansl problems. Try ear muffs.
They can pack cerumen in. Infections not common. Would get new ones every three weeks. Disposable may be better depending on what you are using ear plugs for.