Psychologist | Clinical Questions Depression

How can I get rid of my depression and anxiety?

I have issues with depression and anxiety, and it's beginning to get in the way of my daily routine. What can I do to ease these depressing, anxious feelings?

8 Answers

There are many things that can help alleviate and/or prevent depression (and anxiety). Among these include moderate to vigorous exercise 75-150 minutes per week, dietary modifications, and following good sleep hygiene. Other things include meditation, praying, reaching out to loved ones, therapy, keeping a journal, etc., which should be tailored individually. It’s all about good self care!
I understand your distress due to depression and anxiety. Do:

• Breathing and Music Relaxation
• Visual Imagery
• Meditation
• Yoga
• Tai Chi

See a psychiatrist for diagnosis, therapy, and medication
You need to see a therapist ASAP and first need a psychiatrist or nurse practitioner who can give out medications which you will need.
This is NOT a simple answer. It depends how severe your depression & anxiety are, as well as how long your symptoms have been going on. You should start by seeing a professional in mental health. If you are NOT interested in taking medications, then go to a Licensed MFT, LSCW, or PhD therapist. After a few visits, the therapist will determine the severity of your symptoms. If therapist thinks you should see a psychiatrist, she or he will let you know & you should see a psychiatrist as soon as you can get an appointment. If you ever feel seriously suicidal, feel like harming someone else, or you totally cannot function: meaning you can't get out of bed, go to work or school, take care of your daily needs (bathing, dressing, eating, sleeping) go straight to an ER or call 911 for help.

If you are using any illicit drugs, stop. If you drink more than 2 or 3 glasses of alcohol/day- stop. All can contribute to worsening depression & anxiety. If you smoke cigarettes, quit. Ask your primary care doctor for help. Don't wait until you feel so miserable you cannot function. Get help now.


Laura J. Seed, M.D.
When you are having problems with anxiety and depression, you will need an evaluation by a psychiatrist. There are medical conditions that manifest as anxiety and depression, so a thorough evaluation is needed to asses the cause of your symptoms. Once the medical causes are ruled out, there is psychiatric and psychological treatment for those conditions. My advice is to seek psychiatric help soon.

Victor M. Santiago-Noa, MD
There are too many causes fore anxiety and depression, (finances, career, family, general dissatisfaction with life) to be able to answer that question. Talking to a professional, psychiatrist, psychologist, who does not immediately prescribe medication is probably the best way to go.
See a mental health professional.
Consider taking Dr. Amen's Brain Type Test and reviewing the report that is generated for recommendations.
Consider purchasing the Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Bourne Sixth edition
Review the Video For The Love of IT by Dewitt Jones from the Star-thrower site - implement the seven key concepts.