Family Practitioner Questions Family Practitioner

Should I go to the urgent care for the swelling?

My right calf and right ankle is swollen since this morning. I’ve been taking benicar for a few months but I’ve also had chest discomfort since 2 pm today. Should I go to the urgent care for the swelling?

Female | 38 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day
Medications: Benicar
Conditions: Hypertension

5 Answers

If you are having right calf and right ankle swelling in addition to chest discomfort, I am strongly advising you to go to an Emergency Room immediately. These symptoms are signs of DVT and Pulmonary Embolus. Right calf pain and tenderness could indicate a blood clot in the deep vein of the lower extremity. The clot in the lower leg can travel to the lung causing a pulmonary embolus. Symptoms of a Pulmonary Embolus can include difficulty breathing, chest discomfort or coughing up blood. This needs to be evaluated immediately in the Emergency Room.
Yes and yes. Calf pain and chest discomfort is worrisome for a clot that could have gone from your calf to your lungs. Other risk factors are long flights, family or personal history of blood clots, smoking and birth control. I would actually recommend that you go the ER instead of an urgent care.
No, go to the ER, it may be pulmonary embolism.
No, you should not go to urgent care. You should go to the ER. The combination of calf pain with ankle swelling and chest pain is worrisome for blood clots and warrants further evaluation that will probably require an ultrasound of your leg and some chest imaging.

Peace. Blessings, Health, & Longevity,

Cheryl BryantBruce, M.D.
Yes. Patients that have leg pain with swelling then develop respiratory symptoms are at risk of have clots - at least one in the leg and one in the lung. You should go in to be evaluated