Orthopedist Questions Shoulder Imbalance

Shoulder imbalances

I have done a paper round for 2 Years, which means I carry a side bag on my right shoulder. I have noticed that my left shoulder is much wider than my right, which makes it looks weird when I look in a mirror. Is there anything I can do about this?

Male | 17 years old
Complaint duration: 6 months
Medications: NA
Conditions: NA

8 Answers

This is probably an "adaptive" change, not a structural change. If possible, carry the bag on your left shoulder.

Hope it helps!

You should see a physician for a detailed examination
There are many possibilities involved, the fact that you have no pain is reassuring but I would have it examined by your local physician
Do some exercises in a gym to strengthen the muscles in both shoulders. Some asymmetry between the two sides is normal.
Yes Start shoulder Girdle Exercises.Daily.
The fact that your shoulders look different has nothing to do with carrying papers. It is likely a developmental problem such as scoliosis. I would advise evaluation by a pediatric orthopedic specialist.
It may be scoliosis, and unrelated to the side bag. Check with your family physician.
This type of asymmetry is not uncommon, when one side of the body has to carry loads more than another side. If it is becoming noticeable in the mirror and making you conscious of it, then perhaps it is time to do something about it. I would recommend beginning a stretching and flexibility program. In addition, perhaps you can try and carry the loads on the other shoulder. This can be awkward at first, but can become more comfortable in time. It can help balance you out. Finally, perhaps strengthening the other side, in a controlled fashion, using the right exercises (see Pop-doc.com), can help balance you out.