Pediatrician Questions Baby sleeping issues

My son makes a grunting sound while sleeping. Should I get it checked by a specialist?

My son is 1 year old and makes a grunting sound while sleeping. My regular pediatrician says its nothing to be worried. Should I bring him to a specialist?

4 Answers

I would get an X-ray done and check for Adenoids and tonsils.
This is an epiglottis problem. See an ENT.
I would get a neck X-ray to look for narrowing of the trachea or some external soft tissue obstruction, which is positional. If these are negative, I would have the mother carefully observed until resolved. It should get better with age and simultaneous growth of the trachea.
Does he have any shortness of breath with exertion or color change with the grunting? Did the noise just start? Did he get choked on anything? If any any of these is yes he needs further workup.