Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Specialist Questions Feeding baby

My daughter is 1 month old and her stool is starting to look different. Should I be concerned?

My daughter is 1 month old and today she passed darker stools than normal. I know this can sometimes happen in babies however I just don’t want to take a chance. Should I be concerned?

4 Answers

All depends on her diet and her developing gastrointestinal tract. Discuss what it looks like with your doctor. If its black ir very light that would be something to be worried about
No, unless it's black like charcoal or red in color (blood).
Most of the time it is normal, however, black stools are not normal, and best is to check with your pediatrician if this persists.
No, this is a normal thing. Are you still breast feeding? Or did you change her diet recently? As long as your baby girl is feeding well, gaining weight regularly, happy and alert when awake, and sleeping well in between feeds, you should not be worried. If this is not the case, or if the stools are black or bloody, I recommend that your take her to see her doctor.
I hope this helps.