OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions Pregnancy Tests

When is the best time to take my pregnancy test?

I am 27 years old and I had sex with my husband 17 days ago to try to get pregnant. When could be the right time for me to take a pregnancy test?

8 Answers

You can do a UPT now or a blood pregnancy test now.
If you missed menses, do a pregnancy test then.
Usually we recommend taking a pregnancy test after the first missed menses. In others, if your period does not come when you expect it to come - I would recommend you taking a pregnancy test.
3-7 days after you miss your period.
The earliest time you can check is two weeks after you ovulated. Sometimes it may be difficult to determine when you ovulate.
It is best to wait until your period is late, which is considered the 36th day of your cycle OR 35 days after the first day of your last period. Prior to this time, a urine pregnancy test is unlikely to yield a positive even if you are pregnant. At such an early time, there are not appreciable enough amounts of the HCG hormone found in the urine. Therefore, in order to get the most accurate result, it is best to wait.
Two weeks from when you had sex with your husband, assuming you were also ovulating at that time!
Any time from now.