Physical Therapist Questions Exercises

What can I do to counter the numbness in my neck and shoulders?

I am suffering from some numbness around my neck and shoulder. Are there any specific exercises that can help me with this numbness?

4 Answers

Hey there, This is not the easiest to answer without an in person evaluation, but I would recommend shoulder rolls, wall angels, and possibly a doorway stretch for the pectoralis muscles. It could be neck related in origin or it could be the shoulders or both. These exercises should help some and should have examples available on YouTube. Hope this helps or at least starts you in the right direction.

This question is very open, unless we know the level of cervical spine affected it will be hard to give exercise. But here are some important posture tips that will help in decreasing pain:

1. Work on your neck posture. For example, when you type on your smart phone, keep it at eye level instead of bending down.
2. Always make sure your laptop and/or PC screen is at eye level.
3. In general, you can google neck stretches and also work on shoulder relaxation and shrugs.

Overall, the above three can help manage symptoms to some extent.


Dr. Ramky Kavaserry, DPT
You need to see a neurologist for diagnosis first.
You should see a physical therapist with experience in clinical electro diagnosis. You may be having issues with the nerves and need to be assessed first.