Naturopathic Physician Questions Ibuprofen

How can you treat a headaches without taking Ibuprofen?

I often pop in Ibuprofen for headaches, but they are recurrent and happen frequently. Is there a way to treat headaches naturally, without taking medications? And, is a natural way more effective?

9 Answers

Need to find the cause of the headache, many different causes - dehydration being a big one and poor liver function/gut function.
Acupuncture can be tried.
There are several natural approaches to treat headaches. The most effective approach would be the method that addresses the root cause.

Dr. Krisel Nagallo, NMD
There are many potential natural treatments, from hydrotherapy, to neck adjustments or acupuncture, to herbs or key nutrients and more. However, which one or ones might help you best / which will be more effective for you all depend on the cause of your migraines.
First, make sure it is a dehydration headache, drink 8oz water and give it 30-45 minutes. Second, see a naturopath to determine the root cause of your headache.
First, be sure that you are drinking enough water. A rule of thumb is to drink half your weight in ounces of water (140# person would need about 70 ounces of water each day). This would correct for headaches caused by dehydration. If this doesn't help, then touch the earth. We are being bombarded, day and night, by electromagnetic fields, microwave radiation and radiation of all wavelengths. While some of these are necessary, our bodies don't always tolerate them. Touching the earth grounds you by allowing electrons from the earth to neutralize the free radicals in your body. The study I read supporting this practice had the test participants touch the earth for 90 minutes. In my experience, people receive benefit after just a few minutes, but an hour or so would be better. If neither of those help, then go on an elimination diet or get tested for food sensitivities. It may be a food which is inflammatory to you that is
causing the headaches.
Hope this has been helpful.

Dr. Joan D. Waters
In my experience most headaches are histamine related. See our histamine guide as this will stop most headaches. Usually its gut related.

Regards, Carolyn


Unfortunately, one has to know the etiology of the headaches. It could need some test to help as a starting block. Some are just sugar and weight, others are heavy metals, toxins from smoking, EMF (electromagnetic frequencies), hormones, etc.
Looking up pressure points to relieve head or using aromatherapy such as peppermint is beneficial to relieve a headache. I recommend taking a little time to identify what may be triggering your headaches and working from there to prevent it, also may visit your local health food store for a herbal blend made for headaches.