General Practitioner Questions Vaccines

When I was a child, I didn't receive some of vaccines. Should I get them now?

When I was a child, my parents didn't want me to have most of my vaccines. I'm now nineteen and I realize that I really do need them. Is it too late for me get these vaccines now? The two I'm most concerned about is HPV and meningococcal.

4 Answers

Yes, you should have both hpv and eingococcal vaccines
You can still go on and get these immunizations. Go see your PCP and discuss your situation. Then go on and get your immunizations.
It is not too late. For meningococcal, you are still within the target age group to receive the vaccine (under 20s) and for the HPV vaccine, it can still be effective. There is a new HPV vaccine released that covers more strains of HPV. Visit your local GP to start the immunisation catch up process.
There is no contra indication for vaccines in general. You can get both at your doctor's office.