Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

What age can a child have a tonsillectomy?

My son is 12 years old. I don't know if he is old enough for the procedure. What age can a child have a tonsillectomy?

4 Answers

Even very young toddlers sometime undergo procedure if necessary. Sometime younger children have less pain after procedure or bleeding. Please consult your ENT doctor to get more extensive explanation.
Yes, he can have a tonsillectomy. Above 7 years of age is okay.
Thank you for the question. Your son is old enough for the procedure
Your son should make the requirements for tonsillectomy. The large size of tonsils are not the only indication for the procedure. If he has sleep apnea or six or more throat infection a year tonsillectomy is indicated. It is safer to perform the surgery any time after 4 years of age.