Internist Questions High Blood Pressure

What are the home remedies for high blood pressure?

I'm 40 years old, and I have blood pressure problems. I do take medications for it, but I feel like I should be doing more. Is there any home remedies I can use to lower my blood pressure?

2 Answers

Besides diet, exercise, & medication, one can use supplements to help support a healthy blood pressure.
Though too many to list here one major category are those that support normal NO (nitric oxide) levels which diminish as we age. NO helps with arterial dilation. In this category would look into Neo40 or Citrinox which are sold through alternate health practitioners offices.
Another category would include the supplement Mg (magnesium) taurate.
There are multiple nutritional therapies. Common nutrients include Coenzyme Q10 at the appropriate dosage for you, Magnesium, D-ribose, vitamin C, nattokinase, nitric oxide/beets, Fish Oil, Vitamin D3 and K2 multivitamins and B vitamins. Emotional health and daily exercise, meditation, prayer and weight management. Get nutritional testing.