Physical Therapist Questions Shoulder pain

What are some ways to relieve shoulder pain?

My shoulder is sore from pitching in my baseball team, and I'm looking for ways to relieve this pain. Are there stretches I can do to relieve the pain? What do you recommend?

5 Answers

There are exercises that could help with the symptoms that you are experiencing. I would recommend an assessment with a physical therapist in order to properly asses your scapular stability, rotator cuff strength and flexibility as well as your throwing mechanics for tips to decrease risk for re-injury.
See a physical therapist for evaluation
Oh this takes me back to my playing days. Thank you for that. Really the answer is not as simple as a stretch or modality. Are you a pitcher? What was the pitch count? What is your arm angle? What is your release point? How long have you been feeling the shoulder discomfort? Does it only hurt with throwing, tossing or pitching? Any particular pitch giving you grief?
A general answer would be to rest and ice your shoulder, but if you are like me…..that doesn’t cut it. I want to know how to fix it so I could play. Seek out a local PT who specialized in sports injuries and have them check you out. I think you would be pleased and learn more about your body as well. Good luck, meat. LOL (Bull Durham, great movie, look it up)
The shoulder is a very complex region of your body, a through and complete evaluation from a physical therapist who specializes in sports specific training can provide you with specific mechanical movement patterns to help restore competitive tolerance, improve plyometric power, and prevent further injury.
There are multiple pain relieving modalities and techniques. A proper and complete revaluation of your condition will help give you the best treatment options.