Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

What are the ages for children's first vaccines?

My son is 8 months old. I want to know what are the ages for children's first vaccines?

4 Answers

At birth hep B and after that 6 weeks of age or at 2 month well child visit
Wow. As your child is older and more social it is important to begin those vaccines now. Normally we start the build up of antibodies through the vaccines at 2 months.
If mother and child are positive for hepatitis B, vac for hepatitis B should be given at birth. Regular vac healthy child vac starts at 2 month 4 month 6 month and 12 month and at 4 years of age these are regular schedule for vac. And age 12 a booster vac for DPaT and papa virus.
The hep b is usually given at birth. Then at 2, 4, 6 months vaccines are given and then 1 year 15 months and 18 months then 4 years then 11 years. If they are behind they can start vaccines as soon as possible.