Vascular Surgeon Questions Varicose Veins

What are some treatments for varicose veins?

After noticing the appearance of my veins, my doctor told me that I have varicose veins. Because they weren't causing me any issues, I decided to just deal with them. But now I really hate how they look. What are the treatments for varicose veins?

2 Answers

Treatment for varicose veins can range from the injection of small spider veins to ablation of longer/ larger veins with laser/radio frequency/glue/foam.
Generally speaking, insurance will not pay for the treatment of asymptomatic varicose veins. Our treatment options include vein stripping, rarely done these days, endovenous ablation which is an outpatient office procedure, microphlebectomy where we pull out tiny veins, and sclerotherapy were the veins are injected.