Pain Management Specialist Questions Pain Management Specialist

What can I do about my migraines?

I am a 39 year old female who has frequent migraines. What can I do?

4 Answers

Manage the migraine when you get it, e.g., Maxalt, and if regular migraines, try preventative med like Sandomigran.
A - Begin treatment with your promonitory symptoms:
1 - Paracetmol 500 mg; 2-3 tab for pain
2 - Mxolon 1 tablet for nausea/vomiting (prevention)
3 - Go to a dark room, no light
4 - No sounds
5 - Next day, go to your GP for Medical Certificate and, if needed, other specific mediation for migraine

Alternative non-medication treatment:

With Promonitory symptoms, put your head under running cold water.

Migraine is due to Vasodilation. Putting your head under cold water might prevent Vasodilatin and headache. It is worth trying. Remember all with pomonitory symptoms in order to be effective.
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Questions: have you been assessed by a specialist in neck pathology (could be a doctor or a physiotherapist attuned to myoses in trapezius, the scalenes and platysma muscles) to ascertain whether you really have migraine or, which is the case in at least 50% of those with the diagnosis migraine, a tension headache. The latter is treatable by laser therapy and massage, which I am expert at. 100% success rate with whiplash, tension headache and post-concussion syndrome at
If conventional treatments such as medications have failed Botox can be used and can be very effective for mitigating persistent migraines.