Dermatologist Questions Ingrown hair

What can I do for ingrown hairs?

I used to grow out my beard, but ever since I started shaving, I've had a problem with ingrown hairs. Is there anything that I can do for ingrown hairs? Do I need to go to a doctor for them?

2 Answers

There are many tips to avoid this. First use a gentle cleanser to wash the face in warm water. If you have many inflamed bumps consider a benzoyl peroxide type wash prior to shaving. Use a fragrance free gentle moisturizing shaving cream. Shave with the grain (downwards) rather than against the grain (upwards). Use a sharp razor with short strokes or electric razor. Avoid pulling on the skin under tension to avoid skin trauma. Do not pull out the hairs or pluck them once ingrown they will find their way out. Do not squeeze if acne type lesions develops. After shaving wash the face with a gentle non medicated cleanser and apply a fragrance free moisturizer that is oil free. If those tips are not helpful see your primary doctor or board certified dermatologist.
Talk to dermatologist. I would remove it.