Pediatrician Questions Gastroenterologist

What causes stomach aches and shortness of breath?

I am worried about my 8 year old daughter. She has been complaining of stomach aches, which we thought was just due to her eating things habits. Now she feels shortness of breath all the time. What causes stomach aches and shortness of breath?

4 Answers

Those two symptoms are usually not related. I am not a pediatric GI doc though. You should have her evaluated by a pediatric gastroenterologist.
Abdominal pain causing shortness of breath needs immediate evaluation by a pediatric gastroenterologist to exclude causes of abdominal pain such as peptic ulcer diseases, gallbladder diseases, recurrent acute pancreatitis, severe constipation with fecal impaction that is compromising respiration because of fecal mass compromising the respiratory volume.
Please take your child to a doctor as soon as you can.
Acid reflux can cause the stomach to hurt and shortness of breath when the acids try to come up. She would need to be checked to see if the lungs sound clear or not.