Dentist Questions Dentist

What happens if a blood clot forms after tooth extraction?

I am a 26 year old female and I will have a tooth extraction. What happens if a blood clot forms after tooth extraction?

6 Answers

Clotting after a tooth extraction is a good sign of normal healing. If a blood clot doesn’t firm there will be excessive bleeding
Blood clots are what doctors want after a tooth has been extracted. If the blood clot has expanded beyond the area the tooth extraction was, then there is a problem. But if a tooth is extracted, doctors want a blood clot to form as fast as possible as the blood clot will contain all your bodies healing cells and aid the healing process post extraction.
As part of healing process, the first thing that happens is that the blood clots where the tooth was removed. It is very important that the clot stays there. If the clot comes out, one will get a condition commonly known as a dry socket, which is very painful and it needs to be treated in the dental office. Make sure that after your extraction blood clot does not get disturbed.
It is normal for a blood clot to form in the extraction site after a tooth extraction. It is part of the normal healing process.
A blood clot always forms in the socket where the tooth was removed. We count on it. The clot provides the biological cells to form new bone and gum. If the clot fails to form or breaks lose then that is called a dry socket. If you have heard of them they can be very uncomfortable until they heal.

Clotting blood is a very complicated biological pathway. We need it to be this way. We need blood to clot when we cut ourselves, but we do not want it to clot while it is in our arteries and veins. After an extraction, a clot is formed in the extraction socket. This is what helps protect the socket while it heals. In fact, the loss of this clot is what we refer to as dry socket (alveolar osteitis), a very painful condition. We want this clot to form and stay put. A clot inside an artery or vein is not a good thing. If this type of clot forms then it is an emergency and immediate medical help is needed as it can cause a stroke, heart attack, or infarction somewhere else. However, unless someone is suffering from a specific illness, there is no reason for a clot to form inside that person's artery or vein.
Hope this helps.

My best to you,

William F. Scott IV, DMD