Hepatologist Questions Hepatologist

What happens when you go through liver failure?

I am a 48 year old female. I want to know what happens when you go through liver failure?

5 Answers

Normal liver Enzymes are Aspartate Transferase (AST), 10 to 40 units per liters (u/L), and Alanine Transferase (ALT), 7 to 56 units per liters (u/L). The normal range to Gamma Glutamyl Transferase GGT is 9 to 48 U/L Then, Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), 30 to 120 IU/L. People may present with jaundice (yellow skin and eyes), with belly pain, and swelling are symptoms of liver failure. Patient may experience abdominal pain, fatigue, loss of appetite, electrolytes imbalance, gastrointestinal bloating, nausea, mental confusion, bad breath, bleeding, bruising, hand tremors, itching, and bleeding. Thank you.
The liver failure if it is due to liver itself need a liver transplant.
You body won't be able to detox items, digest fat or utilize complex carbohydrates. Usually patient gets jaundiced, very fatigue and they go into hepatic coma or encephalopathy which means inability to function.
Since the liver is the major metabolizing organ in the body, everything will begin to shut down. It is a slow and terrible process. Go see your doctor so your liver can be monitored and perhaps treated before this happens.

RB Thomas,MD
It all depends on the cause and whether it is acute or acute on chronic. For instance, liver failure from Tylenol/acetaminophen many times resolves with supportive care, other causes may need a liver transplant. If transplant is not an option and there is meaningful recovery...death is usually the outcome.