Radiologist Questions Rectal contrast

What is a rectal contrast?

My doctor ordered a CT scan that includes something called a rectal contrast. What does this mean?

3 Answers

Introducing contrast material in your rectum to increase the accuracy of the examination...usually is liquid that turns white in the final image..imagine an enema but limited only to your rectum
What this means is that prior to your CT scan, the technologist or the doctor will cannulate your rectum with a rectal catheter and infuse in diluted oral contrast materal to took at your distal colon or rectosigmoid region. Sometimes this procedure is done is there is concern for a colovesicular or colovaginal fistulous communication. This approach is also used with more contrast to evaluate the appendix, but this is not as commonly used for the appendix as it used to be.

Hope this helps,

They stick a tube in your rectum and run contrast inside your colon