Dentist Questions Dentist

What is the strongest material for a dental crown?

I am a 33 year old male. I want to know what is the strongest material for a dental crown?

6 Answers

Either gold alloy or Bruxzir Zirconia.

Good question. I would say Zirconia porcelain. It also looks very natural.

Mark Johnson
Dental gold
Either gold or full strength (3Y) zirconia are the strongest crowns
The strongest material for crown is zirconia, but it is not very esthetic and has to fuse with porcelain in the front teeth.
Gold has always been the standard of care, and does not fracture and may have some anti cario-static effect. I made a lot of non-precious metal crowns in the 90's that are sill working fine today as I see the patients come in for hygiene.