Cardiologist Questions Arrhythmia

What is the treatment for arrhythmia?

My father went to the cardiologist for his regular checkup (he was referred to one after having diabetes), but now his cardiologist saw that he has arrhythmia as well. My father isn't telling me a lot of information because I live across the country and he doesn't want me to worry. But should I be worried? What is the treatment for arrhythmia like?

1 Answer

Arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm) is a very generic term and a need to be more specific. There are multiple causes for arrhythmia. That can range from abnormalities in the rhythm of the upper chamber the heart which can be further classified to atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter which are quivering of the left atrium of the heart or a more regular fast rhythms which are summarized as supraventricular tachycardias. There also tachycardias that originate from the lower chamber the heart which could also be a regular some of them are single premature contractions which we call in short PVCs or even ventricular tachycardia. All these tachycardias can have very effective therapies once diagnosed my suggestion is to see and electrophysiologist who then will order an event monitor for up to 30 days to be able to capture the arrhythmia and then establish a management plan for mom. Most common arrhythmia that happen and elderly is atrial fibrillation with an incidence of about 20 to 25% in that case blood thinners are prescribed and the option of medical management furthers catheter-based management which called ablation procedure can be offered