Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Diabetes

What is the treatment for diabetes?

I'm 32 years old and I was diagnosed with diabetes. What is the treatment for diabetes?

2 Answers

Type 1 insulin. Type 2 po meds or po meds plus insulin if advanced
Your question is hard to answer without knowing if you have Type 1 diabetes or Type 2 diabetes. The treatment is different for each. At your age, I am going to presume you have Type 2 diabetes. This is usually associated with being overweight, so get your weight down. Most Type 2 diabetes can be treated with oral agents for several years. There are many drugs now to use (about 20, so I can't list all of them here). Roughly, they are divided in several groups 1) drugs that stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin (seldom used these days), 2) drugs that make your own insulin work better (there are many of these & you have probably seen ads on TV), 3) drugs that cause your kidney to excrete sugar in the urine (on TV also), 4) drugs that work on the nucleus of the cell to make your insulin work better, 5) drugs that cause your bowel not to absorb the sugar. And there are more, but this should give you the idea. The most common drug used at least to start is a drug called metformin. This is usually used first because it is cheap, & has few side effects. The above drugs can be used in combinations of 2 or 3 or even 4 together though that is very expensive. People with Type 2 diabetes will usually need insulin after a few years, so don't be surprised if that becomes needed & don't put it off or refuse. If you have Type 1 diabetes, the main treatment is insulin by injection for life. In both diseases, diet, exercise, & lifestyle change is needed to do well. Keep your blood sugar in the normal range to stay free of complications.