Addiction Medicine Specialist Questions Painkillers

What is the treatment for painkiller addiction?

I think my mother is addicted to painkillers. Psychologically, she believes she has body pain and now mindlessly pops a painkiller whenever she feels the pain. Is there a treatment for this?

1 Answer

Your best bet is to contact her physician and explain your concerns. If she has not signed a release of information, they can't discuss her with you, but that doesn't mean they can't listen. Her physician can then set up a treatment plan if he/she deems it necessary. There are multiple medications available if she has become addicted. Medications including buprenorphine (Suboxone, Zubsolv, Subutex), Vistaril, and methadone will help with the cravings. Counseling will help with the underlying triggers which are causing the abuse. Good luck!