Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (Pediatric) Questions Tonsillitis

What kind of doctor should my son visit?

My son had his tonsils removed and he has a sore throat. It seems that he is presenting the same symptoms as tonsillitis. And we know this because he had tonsillitis so many times before. Is it possible for him to get tonsillitis even without his tonsils? Where should we take him?

5 Answers

His pediatrician can treat him. You still can have pharyngitis, sore throat, and streptococcal pharyngitis even after the tonsils are removed.
You need to take him to his pediatrician. He cannot get tonsillitis without his tonsils, but he can still get a throat infection.

Dr. Christine Poulos
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One can still get pharyngitis even after the tonsils are removed, and this can be either viral or bacterial. Other possibilities include postnasal drip from allergies or sinusitis, Reflux, and vocal misuse. You should definitely pay a visit back to your original ENT to figure this out.

Ari Goldsmith
See ENT. There may be a tonsil remnant
He could see Pediatrician or Family Practice. He can still have pharyngitis even though tonsils are out. Also reflux and allergy drainage can make the throat sore even if their is no tonsils and no infection