Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Parathyroid Disorders

What tests measure parathyroid hormone levels?

I want to measure my parathyroid hormone levels. How are the tests taken? Do they draw blood?

4 Answers

The PTH test measures the parathyroid hormones. The most common test is a serum calcium test. An elevated value suggests the presence or a parathyroid tumor or hyperplasia. Blood tests are most effective in determining the type of hyperparathyroidism. Thank you.
Parathyroid hormone level can be tested through a blood test.
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Yes. Parathyroid hormone level is obtained via a blood test.
Yes, they draw blood. Parathyroid hormone can be measured though it is difficult because the amt. of hormone in the blood changes rapidly. It is a fairly expensive test and your insurance is unlikely to pay for it unless you have a serious problem. So, why do you want it? Do you have hyper- or hypo-parathyroid disease or a nodule? If so, get it, but if you have no symptoms, I don't see the need.