Orthopedist Questions Shoulder dislocation

We believe my mother dislocated her shoulder. What should we do?

My mother is 65 years old and is currently on medication for her arthritis. She recently had a fall, which I believe dislocated her shoulder. We haven't taken her to the doctor yet since she says otherwise, so we're not sure on what to do. Should we go to the doctor to pop it back in place, or does this heal on its own?

20 Answers

Take her to a doctor and have it evaluated. If it is truly dislocated, it will not heal itself. The longer you wait, the more difficult it is to put it back in!
Sounds like you need to see a specialist as soon as possible and need detailed x-rays as well as possible MRI and then further guidance based on the studies. Don't wait to seek treatment.
She needs to urgently go to an emergency center for X-rays to make the proper diagnosis. If dislocated, she needs it urgently reduced back into place.
Any concern for a joint dislocation is a potential emergency and she should be seen in an emergency department.
She needs an X-ray to confirm it is either dislocated or not.
Must urgently take to an Orthopaedic surgeon
Go to the doctor ASAP for an exam and X-rays. Do not allow a possible dislocated shoulder to remain out of place. It will only get worse. Do not allow your mother to talk you out of going.
Hello there,

Shoulder dislocation is one of the orthopaedic emergencies and has severe pain. Your mother must go to ER and take a X-ray and if that is confirmed, it must urgently reduced under general anesthesia.
If her shoulder is dislocated, you should definitely see someone right away to put it back into place.
.A dislocated shoulder usually requires the assistance of a healthcare professional to guide the joint back into place. After the joint is realigned, a physical therapist directs the rehabilitation of the shoulder, and helps the affected individual prevent reinjury.

*CAUTION: A shoulder dislocation requires immediate medical attention, especially if you experience:*

- Numbness in your arm or hand
- Discoloration of your arm or hand
- A feeling of coldness in your arm

Any of these conditions may indicate injury to a nerve or blood vessel. Seek medical help immediately.
First, you have to make the correct diagnosis - is it a dislocation or a simple proximal humerus fracture? (Or even something more benign?)
To diagnose without an X-ray is very tricky and uncertain. If there is a real dislocation, the longer you wait, the more difficult it is going to be to reduce it. And we never “pop it back in place" as this could cause further injury to her. I can try to diagnose this via this text, but I will need more information and some family member will have to actually do some simple procedures to your mother.
I am certainly willing to help. first question: when was the actual injury/event?
Dr. Mudano
You mother should absolutely be evaluated in the emergency room. It may need to be reduced under anesthesia.
Yes. Go to er.
Yes, would recommend getting xrays as soon as possible.
You should take her to the emergency department in order to get X-rays of the shoulder and to be examined.

Please excuse my brevity and any spelling mistakes as this is sent from my iPhone.
Your mother may well have fractured her shoulder which is more common at her age. She should have an x-ray asap. If the shoulder is either fractured or dislocated and no taken care of early on serious complications can be the end result.
Please take her to the doctor for evaluation and treatment
If you think your mother has dislocated her shoulder, you should take her to the emergency room and have X-rays taken to confirm the diagnosis. She may have a fracture of her shoulder as well, so X-rays are necessary in this instance.
You should take your mother to the doctor immediately. She needs an X-ray and a good physical exam. If the shoulder is dislocated, it needs to be relocated ASAP. If it remains dislocated, it can cause serious long-term problems with the joint and sometimes with the nerves around the shoulder joint.

Steven M. DeLuca, DO
You should go to a doctor or ER and have it X-rayed. It could be dislocated or fractured.

Dr. Bose