Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

What type of bread is best for diabetics?

I am a 45 year old female and I have diabetes. What type of bread is best for diabetics?

8 Answers

Brown bread/whole wheat.

Ali A. Achira, MD
Good book to read is “plant paradox” by Dr Gundry .. lots of good advice
Multigrain, containing slowly digesting flours like oat, spelt, buckwheat
Whole grain bread is best. It doesn't much matter which grain it comes as long as it is whole grain & not refined flour. Whole grain breads are high in fiber that is important for regularity & fiber slows absorbtion of other carbohydrates. Thus the fiber of whole grain breads will help you with diabetic control.
Dave's killer bread, Ezekiel bread
There is no bread that is best. Carbohydrate is carbohydrate. There is no way to bundle it in a way that doesn’t stress the pancreas. There is no way to bundle it to Malone lose weight. Use a lettuce wrap. Most of us are overweight, so carbs are a problem for everyone.
It is better to eat starchy food with the least amount of carbohydrates. Whole wheat or multigrain bread that says “light” on the label that has 10 grams of carbs or less per slice. And eat no more then 15 grams of starchy food per meal.
Hope it helps.

Dr Marina Strizhevsky
Refined carbohydrates are not recommended for diabetics. Carbohydrates convert quickly to sugar. Fiber helps to slow down the conversion. If you must have bread, Ezekiel bread is a bread with the least carbs and most fiber.