Rheumatologist (Pediatric) Questions Juvenile Arthritis

What's the best diet for juvenile arthritis?

My daughter has juvenile arthritis and she often has a lot of flare-ups. I know it's definitely from her diet. What foods should she eat, and avoid, for her condition?

4 Answers

The best diet recommendations is a well rounded diet with veggies, fruits and protein. It's hard in children to place diet limitations and it doesn't work for everyone. The evidence points there may be some correlation to being gluten or dairy free which can help. Additionally, adding turmeric naturally in drinks or cooking has an anti inflammatory effect as well.
Diet is important for general health but it in no way is responsible for flare-ups or for controlling juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Recommend discussing flares with her pediatric rheumatologist as current medications may not be fully treating her disease. When on the proper medications, she should seldom have flares, regardless of her diet.
Joint pain, red and swollen. Difficulty moving, scaly, red rash, light-spotted pink rash.
This is a GREAT question without a formal answer. No convincing sound studies exist on this. Currently, there are no specific lifestyle changes recommended for JIA; certainly, with a healthy diet and regular exercise, our bodies, our immune systems function better... Avoid processed foods, fast food, fried food, soft drinks, refined sugar, saturated fats... Eat fresh foods, vegetables, olive oil... Drink plenty of water, etc.