OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

When should a pregnant woman get a flu shot?

I am a 23 year old pregnant woman. I want to know when should a pregnant woman get a flu shot?

5 Answers

ACOG considers flu vaccine to be safe during pregnancy. Therefore you should ideally get it at the start of the flu season. FYI, Period of major organ development is during the first 12 weeks. Concerns about affecting the baby adversely are the highest during that period.
It is recommended you get a flu shot at anytime during your pregnancy. The flu affects pregnant women, children and the elderly worst.
Right away!!!!!!!!!!

Joseph A. Adashek, MD FACOG
The appropriate flu vaccine for a pregnant woman should be preservative-free. It can be administered any time during the pregnancy. It takes about 2 weeks to become effective so don't wait!
Best before gestation, but anytime is safe.