Naturopath Questions Naturopath

Where can you buy high-quality herbs?

I am a 23 year old female. I want to try using natural herbs for pain relief. Where can you buy high-quality herbs?

8 Answers

There are several companies that offer high quality supplements and herbal therapies. I recommend discussing with a Naturopathic Doctor or Herbalist, however you may be able to find some things on Fullscript.
Look for companies that do third party testing of their products. That's a good place to start.
Mountain rose herbs is one of my favorites for bulk herbs. You can find them online.
Below are some of my favorite brands for herbal products in general. There are more, but this is a good start. Also, you can find a local herbalists to guide your choices better or to make you a custom herbal blend for your specific needs!
NOTE - I strongly do not recommend buying supplements on Amazon as they have admitted that some of their third party vendors sell expired products or tamper with the products!!

You can check into Dr. John Christopher - the founder of The School of Natural Healing.
Look for herb that have an organic seal which you can find at local whole food store or retailers online.
I have a couple of online dispensaries where I have patients buy herbs and supplements from. These are professional grade supplements and offer therapeutic doses. Furthermore, most of the products have undergone 3rd party certification.
These online dispensaries are:
Here is an online dispensary with high quality, reputable herbs: