Urologist Questions Urologist

Why do I have dry skin in this area?

I have a problem on my upper inner thigh reaching up and around my scrotum. At first I thought it was just a bit of dry skin now it is getting worse.

Male | 16 years old
Complaint duration: 12/12/2019
Medications: I used savlon
Conditions: Unknown

4 Answers

You need to see Dermatologist for this rash ASAP
It would be best to see a dermatologist for a skin evaluation.

You need to be seen by a physician for this skin condition. You could even start with an urgent care center and they can refer you to a specialist.
This could be psoriasis but should be examined by a licensed dermatologist. You can start by visiting your primary care doctor who would make the referral if indicated. A serious medical condition cannot be ruled out by just looking at the picture.