Pediatrician Questions Wheezing

Why does my child wheeze every morning?

My son is 2.5 years old and gets up with an early morning wheeze. It starts at about 5am in the morning and settles by 7am. However, it not only disturbs his sleep, but also leaves him extremely tired. What can I do about it?

6 Answers

There are different reasons, if it is asthma it is not well controlled and needs increased therapy. If it is sinus drainage, he may need nose spray and allergy meds. If it is reflux, he may need meds for this. He would need to see his Doctor to sort it out, but sleep would be worth it.
You should consult your child’s pediatrician about his wheezing. He may be asthmatic and it may be due to allergy to house dust, or if you have a pet like cat or dog. Besides treating his asthma symptoms to prevent the wheezing, he/she may refer you to an allergist to find out allergy to house/dust mite or to the pets, if any and advise about environmental changes. Consult your pediatrician as it needs to be treated appropriately.
Full evaluation and possible allergy and asthma management. Make an appointment with your primary physician.
it could be cough-induced bronhospasm, nebulisation with bronchodilator like albuterol will help.
I would speak to your MD about it. Check his tonsils and make sure he doesn't have sleep apnea. Consider trying albuterol for true wheezes. Video tape it happening.
He needs to see his pediatrician to make sure that he does not need medication to make the wheezing go away.