Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Why does my shoulder hurt more at night?

I am a 29 year old male. I have shoulder pain at night. Why does my shoulder hurt more at night?

8 Answers

The pain is ultimately a symptom of a greater problem. It could be poor muscle support, old injuries, or even a bad mattress. It’s advisable to get your shoulder checked by your chiropractor.

Skylar Bakko, DC QNCP PAK BFM

There are many reasons for shoulder pain. If you are experiencing shoulder pain you should find a chiropractor or other health care professional who will take a detailed history and perform a thorough examination to determine the cause of your pain.
As we lie horizontal and stop moving fluid shifts from our lower half to distribute all over equally, plus lack of movement can mean stagnation of fluid filled with inflammatory compounds around an injured joint. Plus movement inhibits pain.
Lying on you hurts shoulder adds a compressive force and more lack of circulation. Right shoulder pain can sometimes be a gallbladder issue. Seek a doctor for a correct diagnosis and treatment plan.
This may be due to an overuse type of injury to the shoulder. Pain at night can also be associated with a more serious diagnosis which should be checked out with a Medical Doctor.
Pain that only occurs at night is sometimes associated with cancer. Pain that gets worse at night may be due to issues with your acupuncture system. It may be the position you are sleeping in.
Very possible it’s something as simple as sleeping position or size of pillow. The bigger problem is you could be getting shoulder pain referred from a pinched nerve in your neck which is exacerbated by sleeping position
Doctors of Chiropractic (DC) are licensed doctors who do diagnosis and either delivers and/or recommends treatment. That includes all areas of the neuromuscular system. The question is what is causing the problem with the area and that requires diagnosis. Diagnosis can't be done without an examination. If the cause is appropriate and responsive to conservative care then Chiropractic care with its many therapeutic treatments is important and appropriate. Even if the problem has a permanent and/or structural component the treatments may still help, but may not totally eliminate the underlying cause. Don't wait to have the examination, as the sooner the problems are detected and treated the better.
I can only assume that you mean when in bed. If you have a shoulder bursitis or rotator cuff inflammation or tear and you lean on it, the pain can increase.