Dentist Questions Oral Health

ā€œWhy is coconut oil recommended for teeth?ā€

I just read an article about coconut oil being an option to help improve oral and dental health overall if you brush your teeth with it. Why is coconut oil good for your teeth?

4 Answers

Not sure it is. I think oil products can disrupt the cell walls of bacteria in your mouth, but Iā€™m not aware of the protocol that allows for this to work.

Dr. K
It is not recommended therapy to brush or rinse with coconut oil.
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There have been claims that coconut oil can clean and whiten your teeth, while helping to prevent tooth decay. Plain coconut oil does not appear to be the most efficient toothpaste or tooth whitener, but using it has not shown to cause harm. If you are looking for a natural and organic toothpaste, I believe that there are better commercial alternatives like Hello, Lebon and Radius. Ironically, many of their products have coconut oil as one of their ingredients. Consumers can expect that ADA approved toothpastes perform better.

Oil pulling with plain coconut oil appears to be a better way of improving oral health than simply brushing with the pure oil. Coconut oil is the richest source of Lauric Acid known to man. Lauric acid is broken down into a compound called monolaurin, which can kill harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses in the body.
Probably because most bacteria aren't used to it. They die off somewhat.