Podiatrist Questions Infections

Why is there swelling on my foot?

I had a foot surgery 2 months ago. The surgical wound got infected, and I took all my antibiotics, and now we're waiting for it to close up. Will my foot swell up now and then? My foot looks swollen.

16 Answers

This is a process that is normal for what you go through. Inflammation is a process the body goes through to heal. Inflammation usually brings on swelling. I would ask that you address your concern with your surgeon.
Swelling is common after surgery that has become infected. Be sure to tell this to your doctor so he can take steps to control the swelling since it will slow down healing.
Need an eval.
Very common for the foot to swell up to a year after foot surgery, unfortunately gravity is not our friend when it comes to the feet and ankles and they like to swell after surgery. At a certain point compression socks 15-20mmHg would be recommended for this as the swelling will come and go for a while.
This could take up to a year for swelling to go away.
Yes it will.  But eventually the swelling will receed.  You need to discuss this with your surgeon.  At the proper time he might suggest physical therapy and compression.  Ok
Swelling is normal after surgery. Even six months later. An infection complicates things more and you may get constant swelling every now and then.
Swelling can be persistent after foot surgery. However, because you have had an infection and have an open wound it is crucial that you contact your doctor ASAP and have it evaluated.

I'm sorry to hear that you had complications with surgery. If there is still an open wound the foot will swell as the body sends blood to the area to try to heal it. Good luck.

Dr. Lui
You had surgery and even without the infection your foot can swell for a up to 6 months. By gravity, your body fluid goes to your foot. It’s why as people get older their ankles swell when they are on them.
I'm so very sorry about the problems you're having with your foot. Regarding swelling, all foot surgery patients have swelling the first 3 months after surgery. Don't worry, at some point, it will recede.  
With surgery and the complications over the past couple of months it is certainly not uncommon to have swelling in your foot. Continue regular appointments with your doctor to monitor for infection
I tell all my patients after any foot surgery, it is normal for the foot to be swollen 3-6 months after the surgical procedure. Elevating the leg and some light compression socks will help with the swelling.
Swelling after surgery is normal. Even if you did not have an infection, swelling can remain on and off for up to 1 year, depending on what was done. I recommend keeping close follow up with your surgeon to monitor your clinical course.
Foot and ankle surgery areas may stay relatively swollen for up to a year. With that said, you should follow up regularly with your surgeon to make sure you are healing as expected, and that any infections are being treated appropriately.
Any time I do surgery on a patient, I tell them to expect a minimum of 6 months to 1 year of post-operative swelling. The swelling gets better and better as you get further away in time from the date of surgery. HOWEVER, infections and wound dehiscence (when the surgical wound does not close) also cause inflammation and swelling. So you will have a longer period of swelling than an average surgical patient.