Dentist Questions Discolored teeth

My son's teeth are discoloured. Why?

My son's teeth are discolored and he is barely 4 years old. What could be the reason for this? He doesn't drink soda, so we know it's not that. Could juice cause this?

19 Answers

Yes, especially if you keep the bottle at night.
Discolored teeth could be due to several reasons. In young children, it could be congenitally weak enamel (hypocalcified enamel), staining from multivitamin intake (ie with iron), or even cavities. Please do take your child to a dentist/pediatric dentist for proper evaluation and diagnosis.
Yes...sometimes eating things like blueberries as well. I would advise getting a professional dental cleaning
Juice could cause this. Iron supplements that are chewable can do it. Have the dentist do a cleaning and see if it disappears. If a tooth sustains trauma like falling on it, it can turn black when the pulp(nerve) dies but not ALL of the teeth.
Certain juice can definitely cause stain, especially grape juice and apple juice. Also know that, while they are made from fruit, juices are acidic and sweet,, so they can cause cavities just about as easily as soda. There are also some medical problems that can lead to tooth discoloration as well as the use of certain medicines. Check with your dentist and pediatrician.
Many things can cause discoloration of teeth both while and after they have formed. The most common causes are too much fluoride, illnesses that occured while the tooth was forming, or genetic developmental problems with the teeth. After the teeth have erupted, the only way the stain is through contact with other foods, drinks, or chemicals. If the teeth have white spots on several teeth or brown and white spots, it is most likely too much fluoride. If there is a band or line of discoloration, you son might have been sick during that week or two of tooth formation. This is usually not a problem other than esthetically.
Could be defective tooth formation. See a Dentist.
There are several things that can cause this discoloration. Juice drinking may be a cause. Juices are acidic in nature and frequent consumption of juices with inadequate oral hygiene can lead to a demineralization of the enamel and a whitening and possibly yellowing of the teeth.
There are certain developmental disorders in which the teeth form without enamel, abnormally large nerves, or abnormally small nerves which can lead to discoloration.usage of certain medications during tooth em development, tetracyclines for example, or high fevers during tooth development may lead to discoloration as well.
Any dark colored food or juice can discolor teeth if the teeth are not properly cleaned daily. The plaque and biofilm could be picking up the pigments in the foods. He could also have cavities. See your dentist.
This happens when the internal structure of the tooth, the dentin, darkens or develops a yellow hue.
Can be exposure to too much fluoride during childhood or chipped teeth which can cause discoloration due to nerve or enamel damage
Most likely the brown spots are from something in his diet. Many drinks can cause these stains. Apple juice is a common cause.
Depending on the type of discoloration. A dentist should check to make sure they are not decay.
Discoloration of deciduous teeth is usually cause during pregnancy from a drug the mother was given sometimes tetracycline which causes the stain to appear in the unborn child has teeth are developing. It does not mean the permanent teeth will suffer the same discoloration just needs to be noted and followed up. Your children's dentist can veneer these teeth that are stained without use of anesthetic if you catch it early enough
I'd recommend taking him to the dentist. There it can be determined if the is stain on the surface of the teeth, possibly from juice; or if the stain is inside the teeth, possibly from a high fever as an infant.
It could be from some medications his mother was taking when she was pregnant or any medications he took if he was sick for a long time. This sounds like a developmental anomaly, but you can have a dentist or a pediatric dentist evaluate it as we need to evaluate it clinically and take X-rays if needed.

Good day

Discoloration you mean decay? Discoloration can be many things, it can be decayed, can be stain, can be own teeth color, can be non-vital tooth, can be fluorosis, etc.

1. Tooth decay:
Tooth become brownish/black color due to surface/acid intake. Yes, juice can cause tooth decay, but the main reason for that to happen is long-term exposed to acidic environment.

After a sip of juice, our pH value of our mouth will drop, study shows that tooth decay process begin when pH value is below 5.5. However, our saliva will neutralize the acidity within time, so after 45min, pH value will come up again. Therefore the frequency of food intake is the key.

For example: if you drink a 2L coke now and finished it within 5 min, your mouth is only be acidic for a short while, then the chance of getting tooth decay is low. But if you have a sip now, 5min later another sip, 10min later another sip, and you finished the coke in 1 hour, your mouth is constantly in an acidic situation, the chance of getting tooth decay is very high.

2. Stain
Stain is something externally attached to the teeth, can be removed by going to a dentist or hygienist to do a dental cleaning

3. Own tooth color
Some people has more yellowish color than others, it’s genetic

4. Non-vital tooth
If the child had injury before (knocked/fall on the floor), the tooth might be injured, and the nerve of the tooth become non-vital, then the tooth will get darker and darker within time. Need to go to a dentist for treatment (it can cause infection and may affect the permanent tooth)

5. Fluorosis
Excess intake of fluoride can cause fluorosis. Tooth become either whitish spots or brownish color.

My advice to you is take your child to a dentist for a check up, get a proper diagnosis, and then have treatment if necessary.

Kind regards,

Dr. Chun-I Lee
Yes! The culprit in both is acid. Fruits have citric acid, Sodas usually have phosphoric acid. Both can eat away teeth. Bacteria can also discolor teeth green, orange, white and black.
You do not mention how they are discolored or what color they are, so it is hard to pinpoint the reason with the information given.
It is probably not the juice, however, it might be the antibiotics that were given to him as the deciduous teeth were forming. A grayish color indicates a tetracycline based drug. The other possibility is well water and increased fluoride. Your dentist could shed some light on the cause of this problem, assuming there has been no trauma to the teeth.
Typically, if the baby teeth are discolored, and there is no decay, it may have been caused by medication or an illness while the teeth were forming. Most baby teeth are in the process of forming under the gum, even if you don't see them, at birth. So it could have been something you ingested during pregnancy also. Don't worry, the adult teeth should be fine.