Skin Conditions

Medical Procedures To Help Clear Acne

Medical Procedures To Help Clear Acne

For those who want quick results in acne improvement or can’t endure the side effects of these medications can consider other acne treatments that are provided at the doctor's office. There are certain medical procedures, such as light therapy and steroid injection, that can be helpful in treating any kind of acne. However, do not expect results to occur over night. As even with these procedures, it may take around four to eight weeks before you notice visible results. Moreover, your acne might look worse before it gets better.

Light Therapy

In this technique, the doctor applies a prescription liquid to the affected area (face, back, or chest) and then applies a light or laser to activate the medicine. This therapy works by targeting the bacteria that causes acne inflammation. Not only does the medication kill bacteria, it also reduces the size and activity of the oil glands over a few months.

Possible side effects of light therapy include:

  • Pain
  • Temporary redness
  • Sensitivity to sunlight
  • Changes in skin tone
  • Crusting and peeling

Chemical peel

This procedure has traditionally been used to reduce the appearance of fine lines, minor facial scars and sun damage. In this procedure, your doctor repeatedly applies a mild chemical solution, such as salicylic acid on your skin. This treatment helps unclog blocked pores and remove whiteheads, blackheads, and dead skin cells. It can also generate new skin growth. People who are already taking oral retinoids must not go for this treatment as together these treatments can irritate the skin significantly.

Possible side effects of chemical peel include:

  • Temporary, severe redness
  • Scaling and blistering
  • Long-term discoloration of the skin

Extraction of whiteheads and blackheads

Whiteheads and blackheads that don’t clear up with topical medications can be removed by this technique.  In this procedure, your dermatologist gently removes whiteheads and blackheads by using special tools. The main side-effect of this treatment is that it may cause scarring.

Steroid injection

Steroid injection is used to treat the most severe form of acne such as nodules and cysts. In this technique, a steroid drug is injected directly into the lesions. After steroid injections, the bumps flatten, and the skin can clear up within two to four days. This treatment is typically used as a temporary fix for pesky nodules and cysts. They aren't used to treat extensive acne condition because of the potential side effects. Moreover, the person needs to visit the doctor frequently for treatment and follow-ups.

Possible side effects of steroid injections include:

  • Thinning of the skin
  • Skin tone that turns lighter than normal
  • Appearance of small blood vessels on the treated area

Treatment for Acne Scars

Sometimes acne goes away, but leaves permanent scarring behind. Well, several medical procedures are available to diminish acne scars too. These include both surgical and non-surgical procedures, and depending on your condition, one might be better than you than another. Some of these treatments include Botox, Dermabrasion, Dermal Fillers, chemical peel, laser surfacing and surgery.

The Bottom Line

These treatments are costly and may not be the right fit for an individual who does not have sufficient funds. Be sure to consult with your doctor first before opting for other medical treatments.