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• Flushing the nasal passages: For thinning and flushing out the mucus out of the nasal passage it is best to go in for saline wash and spray. These saline washes have been researched a lot and are proven to be very much effective hence it should be termed as the first line of homemade remedy for treating issues of sinusitis. It is recommended to go in for daily use of saline solution to ensure that the sinuses are moist. • Bromelain: It is basically a natural form of protein which is found in pineapples and is said to be highly effective for reducing the swellings formed in the nasal passage. Bromelain is also available in the form of a supplement. But before using it, ensure to speak to your doctor since bromelain can interact with any other medications as well and also follow the proper dosing instructions. • Steaming power: With a few drops of eucalyptus and hot water, it can turn out to be an effective method for moistening the sinuses and helping them to loosen out the debris as well as the mucus which are stuck in the nose. Hot vapours of the water are known to moisten the sinuses. A hot steamy bath or a shower would be very much helpful in loosening out the mucus. • Stay hydrated: It is important to keep oneself hydrated at such times. Drink enough of water throughout the day in order to keeping the sinuses moist. By staying hydrated it is known to have a positive impact on the overall health of the individual and not only related to sinuses. You should ensure to drink water at regular intervals throughout the day but also ensure to stay away from drinks such as caffeine or alcohol since it can lead to dehydration. Mostly eight ounces a glass is recommended but again the quantity would defer from person to person. • Consume something spicy: You can look out for consuming certain spicy food items which are mostly hot ones such as hot peppers, curry mustard, wasabi or horseradish for help in clearing out the sinuses. • Apple cider vinegar: Consuming a solution of at least two to three tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar along with hot water is known to help in thinning out the congestion caused due to the excess mucus. You can also mix honey and lemon for better taste. This is considered to be a wonderful ingredient available naturally along with a lot of health benefits. • Oregano oil: This oil is known to contain some excellent antiviral, antibiotic as well as antifungal properties due to which it is termed as one of the most effective form of natural remedies in helping to fight the cold sores, fungus present in the nail and dandruff. • Extract of grapefruit seed: The grapefruit seed powder is considered as a natural form of antibiotic. It helps in clearing out the mucus as well as shields or protects the sinuses tissues which have been irritated or are weakened due to the microbial contaminants. • Ginger and turmeric powder: The turmeric root when it is mixed along with the ginger root is considered to help in loosening out the mucus present in those blocked nasal passages and also helps in reducing the pressure of sinus. Turmeric is considered to be a wonderful as well as fragrant spice most in India. It has a lot of anti-inflammatory properties and is also rich in antioxidants. When turmeric is combined with the ginger root and brewed together in hot tea then it would turn out to be a great combination since it can help to relax the sinus pressure and may also make you feel better instantly. • Rinsing with salt water: For irrigation of the nasal cavity one can make use of the sinus pot or the neti pot so that any kind of unwanted mucus or any other form of inhaled particles which are present in the nasal cavity can be cleared out. This is termed to be very much effective for providing relief from nasal congestion as well as any irritation. It helps to gently flush out the nasal passages with the help of saline water or solution. It helps to soothe the sinus and also would flush out any bacteria or virus.Natural Remedies for Sinusitis

  • Flushing the nasal passages: For thinning and flushing out the mucus out of the nasal passage it is best to go in for saline wash and spray. These saline washes have been researched a lot and are proven to be very much effective hence it should be termed as the first line of homemade remedy for treating issues of sinusitis. It is recommended to go in for daily use of saline solution to ensure that the sinuses are moist.
  • Bromelain: It is basically a natural form of protein which is found in pineapples and is said to be highly effective for reducing the swellings formed in the nasal passage. Bromelain is also available in the form of a supplement. But before using it, ensure to speak to your doctor since bromelain can interact with any other medications as well and also follow the proper dosing instructions.
  • Steaming power: With a few drops of eucalyptus and hot water, it can turn out to be an effective method for moistening the sinuses and helping them to loosen out the debris as well as the mucus which are stuck in the nose. Hot vapours of the water are known to moisten the sinuses. A hot steamy bath or a shower would be very much helpful in loosening out the mucus.
  • Stay hydrated: It is important to keep oneself hydrated at such times. Drink enough of water throughout the day in order to keeping the sinuses moist. By staying hydrated it is known to have a positive impact on the overall health of the individual and not only related to sinuses. You should ensure to drink water at regular intervals throughout the day but also ensure to stay away from drinks such as caffeine or alcohol since it can lead to dehydration. Mostly eight ounces a glass is recommended but again the quantity would defer from person to person.
  • Consume something spicy: You can look out for consuming certain spicy food items which are mostly hot ones such as hot peppers, curry mustard, wasabi or horseradish for help in clearing out the sinuses.
  • Apple cider vinegar: Consuming a solution of at least two to three tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar along with hot water is known to help in thinning out the congestion caused due to the excess mucus. You can also mix honey and lemon for better taste. This is considered to be a wonderful ingredient available naturally along with a lot of health benefits.
  • Oregano oil: This oil is known to contain some excellent antiviral, antibiotic as well as antifungal properties due to which it is termed as one of the most effective form of natural remedies in helping to fight the cold sores, fungus present in the nail and dandruff.
  • Extract of grapefruit seed: The grapefruit seed powder is considered as a natural form of antibiotic. It helps in clearing out the mucus as well as shields or protects the sinuses tissues which have been irritated or are weakened due to the microbial contaminants.
  • Ginger and turmeric powder:  The turmeric root when it is mixed along with the ginger root is considered to help in loosening out the mucus present in those blocked nasal passages and also helps in reducing the pressure of sinus. Turmeric is considered to be a wonderful as well as fragrant spice most in India. It has a lot of anti-inflammatory properties and is also rich in antioxidants. When turmeric is combined with the ginger root and brewed together in hot tea then it would turn out to be a great combination since it can help to relax the sinus pressure and may also make you feel better instantly.
  • Rinsing with salt water: For irrigation of the nasal cavity one can make use of the sinus pot or the neti pot so that any kind of unwanted mucus or any other form of inhaled particles which are present in the nasal cavity can be cleared out. This is termed to be very much effective for providing relief from nasal congestion as well as any irritation. It helps to gently flush out the nasal passages with the help of saline water or solution. It helps to soothe the sinus and also would flush out any bacteria or virus.