Women's Health

How Do I Get Tan Without the Sun?

How Do I Get Tan Without the Sun?

There are several alternatives to a safe tan, and that includes bronzers.

 Tanning products are generally classified into two types:

  • Cosmetic bronzers – That can be removed like normal make up
  • Sunless tanners – These products stain the skin and when the skin cells slough off after their death, the color fades off.

These products are safer and better than going to the tanning salon or exposing oneself to the UV rays from the sun.

Cosmetic bronzers can be applied to the face and legs, and is suitable for a special occasion. They can also be used daily and washed off later, like daily makeup. Compact bronzers should be allowed to dry completely before applying anything over it and to avoid staining.

Some of the common cosmetic bronzers include:

  • Bronzing powders – These are ideal for getting the golden hue without having a reddish or brown background. It is more suitable for people with olive skin, as it can brighten the skin and add color to it.
  • Bronzing gels –These products are more difficult to apply when compared to powders. But very often gels are more popular formulations and sometime lead to an orange tone in the skin.
  • Spray bronzers – These are easy and quick to apply particularly in those areas where you want a little more color. The colors usually show up really well in almost all skin tones.
  • Stick bronzers – These products are similar to deodorant sticks, and are used for providing instant color to any part. They are also useful in hiding scars and spider veins when used along with an appropriate concealer.

Sunless tanners interact with the proteins in the outer layer of the skin, giving it a darker tone. But as the cell ages and sloughs off, the color or tan may fade gradually. Sunless tanners are available in the form of gels, lotions, sprays, and mousses. Lotions and gels are very popular, as they are less sticky, easier to apply, and faster to dry. Those with an oily complexion can opt for mousses, as the moisture content is less when compared to sunless lotions and gels. Certain sunless tanning lotions are used to build up the color over a period of few days.