Women's Health

9 Reasons to Take Advantage of American Cancer Society Services

9 Reasons to Take Advantage of American Cancer Society Services

9 Reasons to Take Advantage of American Cancer Society Services

Many who either have cancer themselves, or a loved one with it, know about the American Cancer Society; however, relatively few take advantage of the services they have to offer. Here's why it’s important not to miss out.

These services are dedicated to the over 1.4 million cancer patients diagnosed each year, and the 14 million cancer survivors, as well as their family, friends, and caregivers. Their help is always free, to help you best combat cancer without an added worry.

1. They offer relevant information

Going through cancer treatment is a scary time, and no matter how much research you do on your own, it can sometimes seem impossible to understand. That's why you should reach out to one of their many experts who work in the National Cancer Information Center, or NCIC. They are available at any time, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, specifically to help you. You can reach them over the phone or live chat, and they welcome calls or chats at any time that you might need them, whether it's ten at night or three in the morning - that's why they're there.

Their experts are always trained and up to date, offering patients, caregivers, and family members any information or support they might need. They are also able to refer you to other resources that might be helpful.

Some of the most common questions asked at the NCIC are about treatment options, specific cancers, side effects, medicines, pain control, coping with cancer, clinical trials, screening, quitting tobacco, and prevention. If you have any questions of your own, or simply want more general information, feel free to get in touch with them.

If you would like more information on NCIC, click here.
If you would like to live chat with an expert, click here.

2. There are patient lodging programs

Many with cancer know the frustration and difficulty of seeking treatment, because often the care they need is far away from home. Not only is there an emotional difficulty of being in an unknown place in such an intimidating time, but the financial struggle of affording the travel can add an even larger weight on one's shoulders.

Through the American Cancer Society's Hope Lodge and Hotel Partners Program, the transition can be easier and more affordable.

If you would like more information on Patient Lodging Programs, click here.
If you would like to find a Hope Lodge, click here.

3. They offer rides

While many have their friends and family to rely on to get them to treatment, not everyone does. Or sometimes, unforeseen situation arise that affect someone's ability to drive. That's why the American Cancer Society has begun an initiative called "Our Road to Recovery" that drives cancer patients to their treatment centers for free.

To learn more about the program, click here.

To learn how to get a ride, click here.
To volunteer to be a driver, click here.

Read on to learn 6 more reasons why you should take advantage of what the American Cancer Society has to offer.