Women's Health

A Nutritionist Shares Which Veggies Can Help Fight Breast Cancer

A Nutritionist Shares Which Veggies Can Help Fight Breast Cancer

A Nutritionist Shares Which Veggies Can Help Fight Breast Cancer

For Dr. Lisa Young, breast cancer hits close to home. Her own grandmother was a fighter and a breast cancer survivor. She was an avid cooker, baker, and foodie who loved to eat but was not always conscious of her health. After being diagnosed with the disease, Dr. Young's grandmother became fascinated with nutrition and how it could help her overcome the battle ahead.

Dr. Lisa Young decided to become a nutritionist

Her grandmother became a nutrition guru and was so passionate about her new knowledge that she began practicing and preaching healthy eating to her family too. Her healthy habits helped her live for more than 2 decades after her cancer diagnosis. Up until her death, she remained upbeat and lively, never missing out on a family event. She talked to anyone who would listen to the latest nutrition news and was part of a ton of different health organizations.

Dr. Young was inspired by her late grandmother and decided to pursue nutrition as a career. As a nutritionist, Dr. Young dedicates herself to educating others on healthy eating and how diet can affect disease prevention. In tribute to her late grandmother, she has put together some diet guidelines to help you protect yourself from breast cancer.

Get colorful! Load up your plate with fruits and veggies of all colors

There is a ton of evidence out there to support eating veggies from all colors of the rainbow. Think of red peppers, carrots, leafy greens, cauliflower, and tomatoes. The more vibrantly beautiful your plate, the healthier it probably is. By making sure to get nutrients from each colored vegetable or fruit, you are more likely obtaining different kinds of nutrients and acquiring a complete daily ration of essential vitamins and minerals.

Colorful vegetables are often rich in cancer and toxin-fighting substances known as antioxidants. These include vitamins like vitamin C as well as organic compounds such as beta-carotene, lycopene, and flavonoids. An added perk to eating a ton of veggies is that they are low calorie and high in fiber. Veggies are therefore a tasty way to feel satisfied yet work to maintain a healthy weight. Don't be afraid to try that new veggie or fruit you see in the marketplace - you might be surprised at how tasty it could be!

On that note, make sure to maintain a healthy weight

Obesity is a huge contributing factor to your risk of developing cancers. Excess weight is where people get into trouble, especially with breast cancer. Did you know fat contains an enzyme known as aromatase that can actually contribute to breast cancer development? This enzyme is responsible for converting compounds into estrogen so that you have higher levels of estrogen in your body. It's been known for a long time that overexposure of estrogen can further promote cancerous development in breast tissue. Not only is obesity bad for your cardiovascular health, but it can contribute to having breast cancer too. Exercise and healthy eating are great ways to curb an advancing weight. Join a local gym or find a community class to stay motivated!

Read on to learn more about how to eat for overall good health when it comes to breast cancer.