Christy Soto-Johnson, NMD & Shanna Bayrd, NMD, Naturopathic Physician
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Christy Soto-Johnson, NMD & Shanna Bayrd, NMD

Homeopathic Physician

301 E Bethany Home Rd A-207 Phoenix AZ, 85012


Dr. Christy Soto-Johnson is a naturopathic physician practicing in Phoenix, AZ. Dr. Christy specializes in proactive prevention and treatment of the body, mind, emotions and spirit. She also devotes much time to providing patient education and helping patients to be their best health advocate. Dr. Christy provides a unique blend of the latest modern medical and scientific advances with long-standing, effective ancient techniques. Providing both individual and family care, the most common ailments treated are allergies, environmental toxicity, poor immune system function, PTSD, anxiety/depression, chronic pain, brain fog and fertility. Dr. Christy's dedication to the success of the whole-person and whole-family's health extends beyond medical and spiritual health, to include financial health. The medical center which Dr. Christy co-founded integrates professional financial health education and wealth management resources to all who seek it, regardless of location in the US, FREE of cost. She truly and whole-heartedly believes that top-notch medical care and financial literacy are essential for the maximum well-being of individuals, communities and the world. Naturopathic Physicians place a strong emphasis on natural remedies that increase the body's own ability to heal and reduce the need for more invasive treatments. 

Education and Training


Board Certification

Naturopathic Medicine

Minor Surgery


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Female English, Spanish
Christy Soto-Johnson, NMD & Shanna Bayrd, NMD
Christy Soto-Johnson, NMD & Shanna Bayrd, NMD's Expert Contributions
  • What natural supplements can you take with chiropractic care?

    Hi! There are no contraindications to any supplements being used with chiropractic care, meaning supplements don't interfere with chiropractic care. If you're looking to try and support something like joint pain, osteoporosis, arthritis, ligament/tendon healing or strength, or another reason you may be going to a chiropractor, the reason/goal would determine which supplements I would recommend. READ MORE

  • How quickly does acupuncture work for migraines?

    Hi - The honest answer is that it is variable by person. Some people respond very quickly (after their first or second treatment they notice a difference), while others may take a while (4-6 sessions to start noticing a difference). This can be due to the severity of the condition, how long it's been going on, the vitality of the individual, and some people respond better to energetic medicine (like acupuncture) faster than others in general. READ MORE

  • How can I treat a scalp infection at home?

    Hello, There are different causes for infections like various fungi or bacteria species, and some things that look like infections but are not. They are other kinds of skin conditions. To be able to answer your question, I would need more information about what it is that you are actually trying to treat, and other personal information that would be obtained during a medical visit regarding lifestyle; things which would contribute to immune system function. So, unfortunately, I cannot answer your question with the limited information here. Please consult a local naturopathic doctor or dermatologist for assistance. READ MORE

  • What essential oils can be safely added to foods?

    Hi there! If you mean essential oils to cook with, the heat from cooking will destroy the majority of the beneficial compounds of the essential oils so they won't be effective. However, ingesting over-the-counter non-encapsulated essential oils is not recommended. There are very few brands of essential oil that are high enough quality and purity to ingest and even they should be encapsulated. Most essential oils are too harsh for oral ingestion and can be harmful to you. If an essential oil is sold as a capsule/supplement, the oil should not be removed from the capsule but ingested via the capsule. This is, again, because essential oils are so strongly concentrated that they should not come into contact with your mucous membranes in the mouth or throat. While the very high-quality and purity tested ones can be consumed orally when well diluted in a carrier oil (olive oil, coconut oil, walnut oil, etc.) different essential oils might need different dilution ratios to be safe. READ MORE

  • Are there any natural treatments to treat anxiety?

    I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling with anxiety. Yes, there are many natural options for treatment, whether you are or aren’t taking medication for it. Examples are things like acupuncture, herbs and nutrients (vitamins/minerals) that are either calming or directly work on the neuro chemical pathways triggering anxiety, essential oils/aromatherapy, mind-body techniques and more! Many people find natural relief without ever having to take a prescription. If a person happened to be on a prescription, we can make sure that any herb or nutrient would not interfere before recommending it. READ MORE

  • What are the best natural ways to control diabetes?

    Hi there! Yes, naturopathic docs often help folks with diabetes to reverse their condition!! It’s usually a combination of tailored dietary changes, key mineral, herbal or other nutrient supplements, exercise and sometimes what’s called mind-body medicine (certain types of therapies or mental-emotional exercises which help your mind/mental awareness connect to your body or address emotions if they’re impacting your health). While the supplements are temporary until you achieve your goal, the lifestyle changes (nutrition, exercise etc) are exactly that - lifestyle! So not a temporary yo-yo fad diet or physical training period but a life-long healthy habit. All of these are tailored to you, based on your current health (labs, weight, blood sugar status, lifestyle and more), so seeing a naturopathic doctor is the best recommendation. Then you can get the exact instructions and care you need to reverse your condition. Best wishes. READ MORE

  • What are the natural ways in which I can deal with hair loss?

    Hello! Your question brings up 2 different but equally frustrating situations: post-partum specific hair loss and general hair loss. Key factors to hair loss are nutritional, increased DHT (making more “bad testosterone” than good), hormones, blood circulation to the scalp and stress. It is very common to get thicker hair during pregnancy and then in the weeks after giving birth, loose all the extra hair (and sometimes more). Typically, as your hormones continue to shift in the months post-partum, your hair may restore back to it’s pre-pregnancy state. In cases where it doesn’t, there are both nutritional and topical things you can do to help promote growth. These are the same things with general hair loss that can be helpful. While there are several different causes for hair loss on a nutrient and systemic levels (not including medical conditions like hypothyroidism), the most common are deficiencies in iron, vitamin D, B vitamins, zinc, vitamin E and vitamin C. Taking a high quality, high bioavailability (i.e. you can absorb the majority of the ingredients) pre-natal or multivitamin helps get most of these but sometimes extra supplements are needed. “Supplements” can be adding foods rich in these nutrients or pills/capsules/tinctures/herbs. I suggest starting with food as they contain more than just the needed items to maximize absorption. The list of these foods is extensive so it’s easier to just do a quick internet search for food rich in the above nutrients. Topicals can help too. I’ve had good success with biotin-rich shampoos and DHT-blocking serums with my patients. Examples include Biotin B-complex Thickening Shampoo by Avalon Organics Therapy, and Vegamour Gro Hair Serum. There are others out there too. Just make sure they don’t have lots of chemicals since often those alcohols and other chemicals work against your goal! The above products are free of that garbage. Scalp massage! Decreased blood flow to the scalp can also contribute so don’t be afraid to get your fingers in there and massage your scalp for a good 5-10 minutes. If your in a pinch, put 3-4 drops of rosemary essential oil in 1 teaspoon of black Jamaican castor oil and use that to massage into your scalp a few mi Jets, let it rest 10 minutes then wash out with your biotin-rich shampoo. The Rosemary helps increase blood flow locally and the black Jamaican castor oil is said to help stimulate hair growth. Finally, your a new mama. Whether first time mom or not, you’ve got new stress which doesn’t help your hair. Take some “me time” every day. Deep breaths, an epsom salt-lavender flower/essential oil bath, journal, pray, whatever relaxes you. At least 5 minutes daily. Best wishes, congratulations mama, and happy hair growth! READ MORE

  • Can diet influence our sleep?

    Excellent question. Yes, diet can absolutely impact our sleep. However, there is a common misconception that there is an ideal diet for anything! While there isn’t a one-size-fits/cures-all diet, there are certain foods and timing to eating that can impact (positively and negatively) our sleep. Of course caffeine consumed too late in the day can keep folks awake, but also eating anything too late in the day, even healthy foods, can impact our ability to fall or stay asleep. Try have eaten dinner at least 3-4 hours before you go to bed. ( No post-dinner or midnight snacks either - if you feel snacky, drink water. The brain often confuses thirst for hunger and dehydration also can impact sleep.) for many, this means they need to eat dinner earlier rather than go to bed later! Incorporating more melatonin-producing foods and magnesium rich foods can also help improve sleep. Melatonin is a hormone produced in the pineal gland of our brain that regulates o ie sleep cycle and helps relax us, makes us feel drowsy. Magnesium is a mineral that also helps relax us. Foods that boost melatonin include pineapple, banana, tomato, tart cherries, oats, oranges and barley. Foods rich in magnesium include walnuts, almonds, avocados, pumpkin seeds, flax and chia seeds, legumes (like beans, chickpeas and peas), and dark chocolate (not the sugar filled kind; real dark chocolate that is 70% and up). Also, including things like a fish oil supplements with dinner can help some folks sleep as the extra omega-3’s can be calming for some. Other things that negatively impact sleep - electronics! The EMF (electromagnetic frequency) radiation they emit harms our pineal gland and all of our cells really, making it hard to fall or stay asleep. Smart meters are Massive EMF radiation sources so people sensitive to EMFs notice that when they have them installed in their homes or their neighbors have them installed, suddenly they can’t sleep or wake feeling untested. This means get the TV, cell phone, iPad and other Bluetooth/wifi/smart devices out of the bedroom! Use a regular alarm clock. I hope this helps you with your sleep quest. Best wishes and sweet dreams. READ MORE

  • What can I do to naturally build immunity for my 5 year old?

    Weather changes can be tough on our bodies, especially for our little ones. Here are a few things you can do to help his body prepare for the weather changes and a simple home treatment to help speed recovery when he falls ill. Most people know to boost vitamin C when sick or entering a cold season. It can be easier (and better for them) to get kids to eat their vitamin C! Yes, oranges are good but here are other Vitamin C rich-foods which he can eat regularly to keep his levels up: citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli, kiwi, cantaloupe, cauliflower, pineapple (which also has an enzyme that helps reduce coughing!), bell peppers/sweet peppers, and tomato juice. Drinking nettles tea daily during the weather change can also help lower histamine levels which are often major contributors to feeling sick during such times. Many grocery stores and health food stores carry this in the tea isle. Nettles tea may taste too earthy for a 5-year old so sweeten it with a little local raw honey (DO NOT give honey to children under 1 year old as it can be harmful!). Also, cutting back (ideally fully removing) refined sugars during this time is also key. This means anything made with sugar (white/granulated sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup, corn sugar, high fructose corn syrup, etc) because sugar SUPPRESSES the immune system!! It also INCREASES inflammation, both of which make it harder and longer to recover and can potentially make symptoms much worse. Finding a zinc lozenge for children is also a great and easy way to boost the immune system. If your son gets sick you can try a home treatment called “Warming Socks”. The instructions can be found on the website linked below. **NOTE- warm up his feet in the tub first and make sure the wet socks are well rung out to avoid the treatment from having the opposite of the desired effect!** This treatment can reduce congestion, throat discomfort, coughing, plugged ears, and boosts the immune system. It also helps a person to sleep better when sick. Warming socks treatment: Best wishes mama! You’re doing great! READ MORE

  • What are natural methods of passing a kidney stone?

    Hello! There are several Western and Chinese herbs that can break up kidney stones and support kidney/urinary tract tissues to safely expel the stones. This may be combined with topical support for reducing inflammation, such as castor oil packs or epsom salt baths. However, this should be done under the supervision of a qualified medical practitioner with training in herbal medicine as the specific herb(s) recommended is based on the cause of your stones, and takes other medicines or supplements your on into consideration to check for cross-interactions. READ MORE

  • How safe are natural and ayurvedic medicines to treat constipation?

    Hello! Thank you for your question. I’m sorry to hear you’re having this problem. Yes, there are several natural remedies (herbs, homeopathics, and other options) that can help safely alleviate constipation. The best option(s) would be determined by the particulars of your situation, such as if you’re on other medications or supplements (we want to make sure there’s no negative interactions), your water intake, and other factors contributing to the constipation plus other specific symptoms. The best way to know what to take is to set up a visit with a doctor like me to go over your details and receive a tailored recommendation. READ MORE

  • Can acupuncture help you sleep?

    Hello! Acupuncture can be helpful with any sleep issues, whether it’s trouble staying asleep or falling asleep. Often times it may be combined with Chinese herbs or Western herbs to maximize results, however, acupuncture alone is helpful for most people. READ MORE

  • What is a natural way to manage anxiety?

    Hello and thank you for your question. Anxiety is one of the most common conditions treated by Naturopathic Doctors. There are many non-medication solutions, ranging from acupuncture to herbs, key nutrients that support the nervous system, mind-body techniques and more! READ MORE

  • How many acupoints are there?

    Hi there! There are hundreds of acupuncture points in the body. Over 300 in the Traditional Chinese Medicine meridian system, more of you utilize the less common non-traditional points systems. READ MORE

  • Is drinking milk good for gastritis?

    Hi and thanks for your questions. This is a great one. Many people like to drink milk (cow milk/dairy) because they can find somewhat immediate relief of gastritis. BUT milk often will actually make the gastritis flares worse after that little temporary relief! Dairy is pro-inflammatory (i.e. increases inflammation) and makes the stomach more acidic which causes worse flares and/or longer flares. I suggest avoiding milk during gastritis and instead consider something that makes your stomach alkaline (the opposite of acidic) like drinking 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 cup of water (stir until clear then drink). READ MORE

  • What tests are used to diagnose food allergies?

    Hi! There are two most common approaches to food allergy testing; in both cases they draw your blood and test the blood. One test is called an IgE test which is the type of allergy reaction that’s referred to as immediate or anaphylactic. This is like when a person eats, say peanuts, and immediately has a serious reaction like swelling or trouble breathing. Then there is one called IgG test which is considered a delayed reaction. This is like when a person eats something like wheat and a day or two later gets an eczema type rash. READ MORE

Areas of expertise and specialization

CranioSacral TherapyMayan Abdominal MassageGemstone Meridian Therapy / Medical Gemstone TherapyHerbal MedicineNutritional Medicine / Functional Nutrition

Faculty Titles & Positions

  • Medical Director Guiding Elements Medical Center 2021 - Present

Christy Soto-Johnson, NMD & Shanna Bayrd, NMD's Practice location

301 E Bethany Home Rd A-207 -
Phoenix, AZ 85012
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Get to know Naturopathic Physician Dr. Christy Soto-Johnson, who serves patients in Phoenix, Arizona.

Dr. Christy is a well-respected naturopathic physician serving as the Co-Founder of Guiding Elements Medical Center in Phoenix, Arizona. She works alongside Dr. Shanna Bayrd, NMD, providing a myriad of natural, holistic, vibrational, and traditional medicine therapies.

Born out of love, hope and service, the doctor-duo sought to create a place that is more than a clinic, a place where the shortcomings and injustices they witnessed over their years of medical and life experiences could be addressed. Guiding Elements Medical Center is a judgement-free community hub where people can come together to heal, be empowered, transform their mind, body and spirit, and grow beyond their current conscious awareness. 

Passionate about true, full-life health, Dr. Christy maximizes all facets and all forms of health. She goes beyond the body, mind and spirit to include free professional financial health-literacy and education, as financial health can directly impact physical and mental health, quality of life and life expectancy. Her primary goal is to empower her patients to become their happiest, healthiest, most successful selves and teaching them how to bring this joy and freedom to their families and communities. She takes a hands-on approach to her healing practice and enjoys working closely with her patients to help them exceed their personal health goals and discover their true life potential. 

Since childhood, Dr. Christy’s grandmothers impressed upon her the importance of nature, cultural traditions, folk medicine, and faith. Her keen interest in the human experience prompted her undergraduate studies in anthropological cultural, linguistic, and biological evolution at the University of California, Davis. After exploring professional opportunities in race relations and communications within the California Community College system, she transitioned to the Sutter Health Institute for Research and Education and began working in the field of public health. It was here that her childhood passion for natural medicine was rekindled. This, combined with the shortcomings of conventional medicine in her own family’s health ailments, Dr. Christy left her budding career to pursue a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Arizona.

With a keen interest in aiding indigent, homeless, and veteran populations as well as women and children who have survived some of life’s most traumatic experiences, she sought every internship and clinical rotation possible at various community clinics, domestic violence shelter clinics, and at the Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS where she focused on acute illness, mental/emotional recovery, and pain management. During medical school, she obtained outside training and certifications in the areas of Mayan Abdominal Massage, Pranic Healing Therapy, Gemstone Meridian Therapy, and Applied Kinesiology. 

After graduating from medical school in 2016, Dr. Christy completed a rigorous residency program in McMinnville, Oregon at the clinic, A Family Healing Center. There, she received specialized training focused on pediatrics, family medicine, women’s health, pain management, and nutritional management of pyroluria disorder. 

Board-certified in naturopathic medicine, minor surgery, and acupuncture, she holds additional certifications in craniosacral therapy for physical, emotional, and energetic health restoration. Supporting the body’s own healing process, she provides a unique blend of the latest modern medical and scientific advances with long-standing, effective ancient techniques. 

As a woman of faith, Dr. Christy attributes her passion for her work and success in life to the grace of God, the support of her husband, and the love of and for her family.  

The practice of naturopathic medicine includes modern and traditional, scientific, and empirical methods. Naturopathic medicine is a distinct health care profession, emphasizing prevention, management, and optimal health through the use of natural therapeutic methods and substances that encourage individuals’ inherent self-healing process first. Pharmaceuticals and other conventional interventions are only prescribed when absolutely necessary. Naturopathic physicians focus on prevention and root cause identification of acute and chronic imbalances to understand, restore, and establish optimal health.

In 2020, Dr. Christy was selected by Women In Medicine Magazine as one of Phoenix’s Top Doctors in Naturopathic Medicine. 

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Head north 229 ft
Turn right 44 ft
Turn right 195 ft
Turn left onto East Bethany Home Road 1.7 mi
Turn right onto North 19th Avenue 2932 ft
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Head north 229 ft
Turn right 44 ft
Turn right 195 ft
Turn left onto East Bethany Home Road 1.8 mi
Turn right onto North 20th Avenue 325 ft
Make a U-turn onto North 20th Avenue 79 ft
You have arrived at your destination, on the right



Head north 229 ft
Turn right 44 ft
Turn right 195 ft
Turn right onto East Bethany Home Road 1462 ft
Turn right onto North 7th Street 2645 ft
Turn left onto East Missouri Avenue 1.0 mi
Turn right onto North 16th Street 1.3 mi
Turn right onto East Glenrosa Avenue 586 ft
Turn left 487 ft
You have arrived at your destination, on the left