

As a young, professional woman, I believed in working hard and playing hard. I loved to burn the candle at both ends. It kept my mind occupied and filled my days. But my life has changed drastically in these last few years. My body began slowing me down. I suffer from a great deal of pain and extremely low energy. And where I use to push through life quickly, now I feel like I'm pushing through quick sand ... slowly.
Robyn Jimenez
  • Blog Topics: Fibromyalgia
  • 2016: Fibromyalgia

My Latest Posts

If You or Someone You Love Were Able to Be Symptom-free for One Day, How Would You Spend the Time?

If I were symptom-free for only one day, I would spend it visiting my relatives. I hope to one day be able to have a day with my my brother, sister, her daughter, my deceased...

I feel like my body has decreased my quality of life

I feel like my body has decreased my quality of life

I wish that people understood that fibromyalgia affects my whole body, even when I’m not having a flare-up. My energy is low all the time. But I have times when my energy level...